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INSTRUMENTATION ABBREVIATIONS, NOMENCLATURE,  ACRONYMS,    AND  SYMBOLS 2D3D two-dimensional three-dimensionalA amp AMPS AMS ampere; a...

2D3Dtwo-dimensional three-dimensionalAamp AMPS AMSampere; also Aadvanced mobile phone systemasset  management  solutions  or  analyzer maintenance solutions
aaccelerationAOanalog output
A(1) area; (2) ampere, symbol for basic SIAOTFacousto-optical tunable filters
unit of electric current; (3) admittanceAPaccess point
Å AAangstrom (= 10-10  m)atomic absorptionAPCAPDUautomatic process controlapplication (layer) protocol data unit
AASatomic absorption spectrometerAPIapplication programming interface or abso-
absabsolute (e.g., value)lute performance index
ACalternating current°APIAPI degrees of liquid density
ACFMactual cubic feet per minute; volumetricAPMapplication pulse modulation
flow at actual conditions in cubic feet perARautoregressive
ACLminute (= 28.32 alpm)asynchronous connectionlessARAARIMAalarm response analysisautoregressive integrated moving average
ACMHactual cubic meters per hourARPaddress resolution protocol
ACMMactual cubic meters per minuteASCIIAmerican Standard Code for Information
ACSanalyzer control systemInterchange
ACSLadvanced continuous simulation languageAS-iactuator sensor interface
A/Danalog  to  digital,  also  analog-to-digitalASICapplication-specific integrated circuit
converterASKamplitude shift keying
ADactuation depthasymasymmetrical; not symmetrical
ADCanalog-to-digital converterATGautomatic tank gauging
ADISapproved for draft international standardatmatmosphere (= 14.7 psi)
circulationATPadenosine triphosphate
A&Ealarm and eventATRattenuated total reflectance
AESatomic emission spectrometerAUIattachment unit interface
AF, a-faudio frequencyauxauxiliary
AFDadjustable frequency driveAWGAmerican wire gauge
AGA3American Gas Association Report No. 3
aiAdobe IllustratorÒB
AIanalog inputbdead time
a(k)white noise°Baballing degrees of liquid density
ALARAas low as reasonably achievablebar(1) barometer; (2) unit of atmospheric pres-
ALARPas low as reasonably practicablesure measurement (= 100 kPa)
alpmactual liters per minutebargbar gauge
altaltitudebblbarrels (= 0.1589 m3)
AMamplitude  modulated  or  actual  measure-BCDbinary coded decimal
mentBCSbatch control system
°Bé BFO BFW bhpBaumé degrees of liquid density beat frequency oscillatorboiler feedwaterbrake horsepower (= 746 W)CENP CECFAcombustion engineering nuclear power Conformité Européne (European Confor- mity), applicable to electrical safety Continuous flow analyzer
°BkBarkometer degrees of liquid densityCFM, cfm,cubic feet per minute (28.32 lpm)
blkblack (wiring code color for AC “hot” con-ft3/min
ductor)CFRCode of Federal Regulations
BMSburner management systemCF/yrcubic foot per year
BODbiochemical oxygen demandCicurie (= 3.7 ´ 1010 Bq)
bp, b.p.boiling pointCIcast iron
BPCSbasic process control systemCIMcomputer integrated manufacturing
BPS, b/secbits per secondCIPcomputer aided production or control and
BPSKbinary phase shift keyinginformation protocol (an application layer
Bqbecquerel, symbol for derived SI unit ofprotocol supported by DeviceNet, Control-
radioactivity, joules per kilogram, J/kgNet, and Ethernet/IP)
°BrBrix degrees of liquid densityCJcold junction
BtuBritish thermal unit (= 1054 J)CIPclean in place
BWGBirmingham wire gaugeCL1electrically hazardous, Class 1, Division 1,
B2Bbusiness to businessGroups C or D
CLDchemiluminescence detector
CCLPclosed-loop potential factor
c(1) velocity of light in vacuum (3 ´ 108m/s); (2) centi, prefix meaning 0.01cmCMcentimeter (= 0.01 m)condition  monitoring  or  communication
Ccoulombs,  symbol  for  discharge  coeffi-(interface) module
cient, capacitanceCMFCoriolis mass flowmeter
°Cca.Celsius degrees of temperaturecirca  (about, approximately)CMMScomputerized   maintenance   managementsystem
CACchannel access codeCMPCconstrained multivariable predictive control
CADcomputer aided designcmph, m3/hcubic meter per hour
CalCANcalorie (gram = 4.184 J); also g-calcontrol area network or control and auto-CNICOControlNet Internationalcontroller output or carbon monoxide
mation networkCO2carbon dioxide
CARIcombustion air requirement indexCO2Dcarbon dioxide demand
CATVcommunity antenna television (cable)CODchemical oxygen demand
ccCCDcubic centimeter (= 10-6  m3)charge-coupled deviceCOFCOMcoefficient of hazecomponent object model
CCFcommon  cause  failure  or  combinationCOTScommercial off-the-shelf
capacity factorcpmcycles per minute; counts per minute
Ccmcubic centimeter per minuteCocobalt
CCRcentral control roomcoscosine (trigonometric function)
Ccsconstant current sourcecp, c.p.(1)  candle  power,  (2)  circular  pitch,  (3)
CCScomputer control system or constant cur-center of pressure (cp and ctp sometimes
rent sourceare used for centipoise)
CCTVclosed circuit televisioncps(1)  cycles  per  second  (hertz,  Hz);  (2)
CCWcounterclockwisecounts per second; (3) centipoise (= 0.001
CDdangerous coverage factorPa·S)
cdcandela, symbol for basic SI unit of lumi-CPScomputerized procedure system
nous intensityCPUcentral processing unit
CDcompact disk or collision detectorCPVCchlorinated polyvinyl chloride
CDDPcellular digital data packetCRcorrosion rate
CDFcumulative distribution functionCRCcyclical redundancy check or cyclic redun-
CDMAcode division multiple accessdancy code. (An error detection coding tech-
CDPDcellular digital packet datanique based on modulo-2 division. Some-
CDTcolor detection tubetimes misused to refer to a block check
CDTPcold differential test pressuresequence type of error detection coding.)
CEMScontinuous emissions monitoring systemCRDScavity ring-down spectroscopy
CRLF CRTcarriage return-line feed cathode ray tubeDIdiadiscrete (digital) input diameter; also, D and f
CscesiumDIACdedicated inquiry access code
CScarbon steelDIRdiffused infrared
CSLcar seal lockDISdraft international standard
CSMA/CDcarrier sense, multiple access with collisionDIXDigital-Intel-Xerox  (DIX  is  the  original
detectionspecification that created the de factoEther-
CSOcar seal opennet standard. IEEE 802.3 came later, after
CSScentral supervisory stationEthernet was established.)
cStcentistoked(k)unmeasured disturbance
CSTRcontinuous-stirred tank reactorD(k)measured disturbance
CTcooling tower or the product of C for dis-DLEdata link escape
infectant concentration and T for time ofDLLdynamic link library
contact in minutesDMAdynamic mechanical analyzer
CTDMAconcurrent time domain multiple accessDMMdigital multimeter
CTMPchemi-thermo-mechanical pulpDNdiameter normal, the internal diameter of
CVAAScold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopya pipe in rounded millimeters
CVFcircular variable filtersDOdissolved oxygen or discrete (digital) output
cvscomma-separated variablesDOASdifferential  optical  absorption  spectros-
d/p celldifferential pressure transmitter (a Foxboro
d(1) derivative, (2) differential as in dx/dt,DPDN,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine
(3) deci, prefix meaning 0.1, (4) depth, (5)DPDTdouble-pole double-throw (switch)
daydpidots per inch
Ddiameter; also dia and f or derivative time of a controllerDQPSKDSLdifferential quadrature phase shift keyingdigital subscriber line
DAdata accessDSPdigital signal processing
D/Adigital-to-analogDSRdirect screen reference
DACdevice access codeDSSSdirect sequence spread spectrum
DACUdata acquisition and control unitDTdead time (second or minutes)
DAEdifferential algebraic equationDTCdigital temperature compensation
DAMPSdigital advanced mobile phone systemDTEdata terminal equipment
dBdecibelsDTGSdeuterated tryglycine sulfate
DBBdouble-block and bleedDTMdevice type manager (An active-X compo-
DBPSKdifferential binary phase shift keyingnent for configuring an industrial network
DCdiagnostic coveragecomponent. A DTM “plugs into” an FDT.)
DC, dcdirect currentDUdangerous component failure occurred in
DCEdata communications equipmentleg, but undetected
DCOMdistributed COMDVMdigital voltmeter
DCSdistributed control system
DDdata definition or dangerous component fail-E
ure is detected in leg or a device descriptione(1) error, (2) base of natural (Naperian)
written using DDLlogarithm, (3) exponential function; also
D/DBPdisinfectants/disinfection byproductsexp (-x) as in e-x
DDCdirect digital controlE(1) electric potential in volts, (2) scientific
DDEdynamic data exchangenotation as in 1.5E – 03 =  1.5 ´ 10-3
DDLdevice  description  language  (an  object-E{.}expected value operator
oriented data-modeling language currentlyEAIenterprise application integration
supported by PROFIBUS, FF, and HART)EAMenterprise asset management
degdegree; also ° (p/180 rad)EBCDICextended binary code for information inter-
DESdata encryption standardchange
DFIRdiffused infraredEBRelectronic batch records
DFRdigital fiber-optic refractometerECDelectron capture detector
DFTdigital Fourier transformECKOeddy-current killed oscillator
DHdata highwayECNeffective carbon number
ECTFEethylene chloro-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (Halar)FCSframe check sequence
EDSelectronic data sheet (DeviceNet)FDEfault disconnection electronics
EDTAethylenediaminetetraacetic acidFDLfieldbus data link
EDXRFenergy dispersive x-ray fluorescenceFDMAfrequency division multiple access
E/E/PEelectrical/electronic/programmable electronicFDSflame-detection system
E/E/PESelectrical/electronic/programmable electronicFDTfield   device   tool   (a   Windows®-based
systemMicrosoft framework for engineering and
EFDengineering flow diagramconfiguration tools)
e.g.exempli gratia (for example)FEfinal elements
EHCelectrohydraulic controlFEEDfront end engineering and design
EHMequipment health managementFEGTfurnace exit gas temperature
e(k)feedback errorFEPfluorinated ethylene propylene
E.L.elastic limitFESfixed end system
Emf, EMF(1) electromotive force (volts), (2) electro-FF-HSEFoundation Fieldbus, high-speed Ethernet
motive potential (volts)FFTfast Fourier transform
EMIelectromagnetic interferenceFHfrequency hopping
EMI/RFIelectromagnetic interference/radio frequencyFhpfractional horsepower (e.g., 1/4-hp motor)
interferenceFHSSfrequency hopped spread spectrum
em(k)process/model errorFIflow indicator
ENEuropean standardFIAflow injection analyzer
EPAenhanced performance architecture, Envi-FICflow indicator controller
ronmental Protection AgencyFIDflame ionization detector
EPCengineering-procurement-constructionFIEflame ionization element
(firm or industry)FIFOfirst-in, first-out
EPCMengineering,  procurement,  and  construc-Fig.figure
tion management (companies)FISCOfieldbus Intrinsic Safety COncept
EPDMethylene propylene diene terpolymerfl.fluid
EPSelectronic pressure scanner, Encapsulated
  1. oz.
fluid ounce (= 29.57 cc)
PostScript file or emergency power supplyFMfrequency modulated
EQ, eqequationFMCWfrequency modulated carrier wave
ERMenterprise resource manufacturingFMEAfailure mode and effects analysis
ERPenterprise resource planning, effective radi-FMEDAfailure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis
ated powerFMSfieldbus message specification or fieldbus
ERWelectric-resistance weldedmessaging services/system
ESDemergency  shutdown  (system),  electro-FOfiber optic or fail open
static dischargeFOPfiber-optic probe
ESNelectronic serial numberFOVfield of view
ETFEethylene-tetrafluoroethylene   copolymerfp, f.p.freezing point
(Tefzel®)FPCfine particle content
ETSequivalent time samplingFPDflame photometric detector
Expexponential function as in exp (– at) = e-at;FPM, fpm,feet per minute (= 0.3048 m/m)
also eft/min
fps, ft/sfeet per second (= 0.3048 m/s)
FFRCFRMflow recording controllerfrequency response method
Ffrequency (also freq.)FS, fsfull scale
Ffarad, symbol for derived SI unit of capac-FSCfail safe controller
itance, ampere-second per volt, A·s/VFSDfull scale deflection
°Fdegrees Fahrenheit [t°C = (t°F – 32)/1.8]FSKfrequency shift keying
FATfactory acceptance testingFTFourier transform
FBAPfunction block application process (FF)FTAfault tree analysis
FBDfunction block diagramFTIRFourier transform infrared
FBGfiber bragg gratingFTNIRFourier near infrared
FCflow controllersFTPfile transfer protocol
FCCfluid catalytic cracking unitFTSfault-tolerant system
FCORfiltering and correlation (method)FTUformazin turbidity unit

MVC MWminimum variance controller megawatt (= 106 W)OLE OLE_DBobject linking and embeddingobject linking and embedding data base
MWCmunicipal waste combustorsOMMSoptical micrometer for micromachine
MWDmolecular weight distributionONoctane number
OPCobject link embedding (OLE) for process
NNewton,  symbol  for  derived  SI  unit  ofOP-FRIRopen path Fourier-transform infrared
force, kilogram-meter per second squared,OP-HCopen-path hydrocarbon
kg·m/s2OP-TDLASopen-path  tunable  diode-laser  absorption
n(1) nano, prefix meaning 10-6, (2) refrac-spectroscopy
tive indexOP-UVopen-path ultraviolet
N0N-16Avogadro’s number (= 6.023 ´ 1023 mol-1)nitrogen-16orORPorange (typical wiring code color)oxidation-reduction potential
NAAQSnational ambient air quality standardsOSoperator station or operating system
NAPnetwork access port/pointOSFPopen shortest path first
NATnetwork address translationOSIopen system interconnect (model)
NBnominal bore, internal diameter of a pipeOSI/RMopen system interconnect/reference model
in inchesOToperator terminal or open tubular
NC, N/Cnormally closed (switch contact)OTDRoptical time domain
NCnumeric controllerozounce (= 0.0283 kg)
NDIRnondispersive infrared
NDMnormal disconnect modeP
NDTnondestructive testingP&IDpiping and instrumentation diagram
NECNational Electrical Codep(1) pressure; (2) pico, prefix meaning 10-12
NESCNational Electrical Safety Code(3) variable for resistivity
NEXTnear-end crosstalkPapascal, symbol for derived SI unit of stress
NICnetwork interface cardand pressure, Newtons per square meter,
NIPnormal incident pyrheliometerN/m2
NIRnear infraredPAplant air
nmnanometer (10-9  m)PACpath average concentration
NMRnuclear magnetic resonancePALphase alternating line
NO, N/Onormally open (switch contact)PANpersonal area network
NPSnominal pipe size, the internal diameter ofP&IDpiping (process) and instrumentation dia-
a pipe in inchesgram (drawing)
NRMnormal response modePas, Pa·spascal-second, a viscosity unit
NRZnon-return to zero (refers to a digital sig-PASprocess automation system (successor to
naling technique)DCS)
NSnominal pipe size, the internal diameter ofPBproportional band of a controller in percent
a pipe in inches(100%/controller gain)
NTCnegative temperature coefficientPCpersonal   computer   (usually   Microsoft
NTPnetwork time protocol or normal tempera-Windows®-based) or pressure controller
ture and pressure corresponding to 1 atmPCAprincipal component analysis
absolute (14.7 psia) and 0°C (32°F)PCCSpersonal computer control system
NTSCNational Television Standards CodePCDDpolychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxine
NTUnephalometric turbidity unitPCDFpolychlorinated dibenzo furans
NUTnetwork update timePCRprincipal component regression
PCSprocess control system or personal commu-
Onication services
OCDorifice-capillary detectorpctpercent; also%
ODoutside diameter or oxygen demandPCTFEpolychlorotrifluoroethylene
ODBCopen database connectivity or communica-PCVpressure control valve
tionPDpositive displacement or proportional and
OESoptical emission spectrometerderivative
oft, OFToptical fiber thermometryPDApersonal  digital  assistant  or  photodiode
ohmunit of electrical resistance; also W (omega)array
OJTon-the-job trainingPDDpulsed discharge detector
PDFPDS PDU PDVF PE PED PEEK PEL PES PFAprobability density function, probability of failure or portable document filephase difference sensor protocol data unit polyvinylidene fluoride polyethylenepressure equipment directive poly ether ether ketone permissible exposure level programmable electronic system per-fluoro-alkoxy copolymerPRC PRD precip PRV PS PSAT PSDPSG PSIpsi, PSI, lb/in2pressure recording controller pressure relief device precipitate or precipitated pressure relief valvepower supply (module)pre-startup acceptance testpower  spectral  density  or  photosensitive devicephosphosilicate glass pre-startup inspectionpounds per square inch (= 6.894 kPa)
PFCprocedure functional chartPSIA, psiaabsolute pressure in pounds per square inch
PFDprocess flow diagramPSID, psiddifferential pressure in pounds per square
PdMpredictive maintenanceinch
pFpicofarad (= 10-12  F)PSIG, psigabove  atmospheric  (gauge)  pressure  in
PF, p.f.power factorpounds per square inch
PFAperfluoralkoxy (a form of Teflon)PSKphase shift keying
PFDprocess flow diagramPSMprocess safety management
PFDprobability of failure on demandPSSRre-startup safety review
PFDavgaverage probability of failure on demandPSTNpublic switched telephone network
PFPDpulsed flame photometric detectorPSUpost-startup
PGNAAprompt gamma neutron activation analysisPSVpressure safety valve
PGCprocess gas chromatographptpoint, part, or pint (= 0.4732 liter)
pHacidity  or  alkalinity  index  (logarithm  ofPTBPhysikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
hydrogen ion concentration)PTCpositive temperature coefficient
PHAprocess hazard analysisPTFEpolytetrafluoroethylene (conventional Teflon)
pi, plPoiseuille, a viscosity unitPUVFpulsed ultraviolet fluorescence
PIproportional and integral, or pressure indi-PVprocess  variable  (measurement)  or  the
catorHART primary variable
P/Ipneumatic to current (conversion)PVCpolyvinyl chloride
PICpressure indicating controller or path inte-PVDFpolyvinylidene fluoride
grated concentrationPVLOprocess variable low (reading or measure-
PIDproportional, integral, and derivative (con-ment)
trol modes in a classic controller), or pho-PVHIprocess variable high (reading or measure-
toionization detectorment)
PI-MDCpath integrated minimum detectable con-PWMpulse width modulation
centrationPWRpressurized water reactor
PIMSprocess information management systemPZTlead-zirconate-titanate ceramic
PIPPIRprocess industry practicesprecision infrared radiometerQ
PLCprogrammable logic controllerq(1) rate of flow, (2) electric charge in cou-
R(1) resistance, electrical, in ohms, (2) resis- tance, thermal, meter-Kelvin per watt, m·K/W, (3) gas constant (= 8.317 ´  107RTOS RTR RTSreal-time operating system remote transmission request ready (or request) to send
erg·mol-1,°C-1), (4) roentgen, symbol forRTS/CTSrequest to send/clear to send
accepted unit of exposure to X and gammaRTUremote terminal unit
radiation (= 2.58 ´ 10-4  C/kg)RUDSreflectance units of dirt shade
RaradiumRVrelief valve
rad(1) radius, also r, (2) radian, symbol for SIRWSremote workstation
unit of plane angle measurement or symbol
for accepted SI unit of absorbed radiationS
dose (= 0.01 Gy)ssecond (also sec), symbol for basic SI unit
RADARradio detection and rangingof time; also Laplace variable
RAIDredundant array of inexpensive disksSsiemens (siemens/cm), symbol for unit of
RAMrandom access memoryconductance, amperes per volt, A/V
R&Dresearch and developments2ysample variance of output y
RASCIresponsible for, approves, supports, con-SAPservice access point
sults, informedsat.saturated
RCUremote control unitSATsite acceptance test or supervisory audio tone
RDPremote desktop protocolSAWsurface acoustic wave
remroentgen   equivalent   man   (measure   ofSCsystem codes
absorbed radiation dose by living tissue)SCADAsupervisory control and data acquisition
revrevolution, cycleSCCMstandard cubic centimeter per minute
ReReynolds numberSCDstreaming current detector
ReDReynolds number corresponding to a par-SCFHstandard cubic feet per hour
ticular pipe diameterSCCMstandard cubic centimeter per minute
RF, rfradio frequencySCDsulfur chemilumenesce detector
RFCrequest for comment (an Internet protocolSCEsaturated calomel electrode
specification)SCFHstandard cubic feet per hour
RFFremote fiber fluorimetrySCFMstandard cubic feet per minute (air flow at
RFIRFQradio frequency interferencerequest for quoteSCM1.0 atm and 70°F)station class mark
RGAresidual gas analyzerSCMMstandard cubic meters per minute
RGBred, green, blueSCOsynchronous connection oriented
RGMreactive gaseous mercurySCOTsupport coated open tubular (column)
RHrelative humiditySCRsilicon-controlled rectifier
RIrefractive indexSCSsample control system
RIProuting information protocolSDcomponent in leg has failed safe and failure
r(k)set pointhas been detected
RMS, rmsroot mean square (square root of the meanSDIUScanivalve digital interface unit
of the square) or rotary mirror sleevesSDNsend data with no acknowledgement
ROIreturn on investmentSDSsmart distributed system
ROMread-only memorySEAspokesman election algorithm
RONresearch octane numbersecsecond, also s
RPCremote procedure call (RFC1831)SERsequence of event recorder
RPM, rpm,SFCsequential function chart
r/minrevolutions per minuteSFDsystem  flow  diagram  or  start  of  frame
RVPReid vapor pressuredelimiter
rps, r/secrevolutions per secondSFFsafe failure fraction
RRFrisk reduction factorSFIsight flow indicator
RRTrelative response time (the time required toSFRspurious failure rate
remove most of the disturbance)S.G.specific gravity, also sp. gr.
RSrecommended standardSHEstandard hydrogen electrode
RSArural service areasSHSsample handling system
RSSroot sum squaredSIDsystem identification digit (number)
RTDresistance temperature detectorSIFsafety instrumented function
RTOreal-time optimization or operationSIGspecial interest group
SILsinsafety integrity levelsine, trigonometric functionTT(1) ton (metric = 1000 kg), (2) time, (3)
SISsafety instrumented systemthickness
SISOsingle-input single outputT(1) temperature, (2) tera, prefix meaning
SG, SpGSILspecific gravity; also sp. gr.safety integrity level10-12, (3) period (= 1/Hz, in seconds), (4)tesla, symbol for derived SI unit of mag-
SISsafety instrumented systemnetic flux density, webers per square meter,
SKUstock keeping unitsWb/m2
SLAMSstate and local air monitoring stationsT1/2half life
SLCsafety life cycletantangent, trigonometric function
slphstandard liters per hourTASthallium arsenic selenide
slpmSMRstandard liters per minutespecialized mobile radiotau, tTBMprocess time constant (seconds)tertiary butyl mercaptan
SMTPsimple mail transfer (management) proto-t/cthermal coefficient of linear expansion
colTCthermocouple,  temperature  controller,  or
S/Nsignal-to-noise (ratio)total carbon
SNGsynthetic natural gasTCDthermal conductivity detector
SNMPsimple network management protocolTCPtransmission control protocol
SNRsignal-to-noise ratioTCP/IPtransmission control protocol/internet pro-
SOAPsimple object access protocol (an Internettocol
protocol that provides a reliable stream-TCVtemperature control valve
oriented connection for data transfer)tdprocess dead time (seconds)
SOESONARsequence of eventssound navigation and rangingTdderivative time (in seconds) of a PID con- troller
SOPstandard operating procedureTDLAStunable  diode  laser  absorption  spectros-
SPset pointcopy
SPCstatistical process controlTDMtime division multiplexing
SPDTsingle-pole, double-pole throw (switch)TDMAtime division multiple access
SPLsound pressure level or sound power levelTDRtime domain reflectometry
SPRTstandard platinum resistance thermometerT/Ethermoelectric
SPSTsingle-pole, single-throw (switch)TEMtransmission electron microscope
sqsquare, squaredTGthermogravimetry
SQCstatistical quality controlTiintegral time (in seconds) of a PID control-
SQLstructured (or standard) query languageler
Srsteradian, symbol for SI unit of solid angleTItime interval between proof tests (test inter-
measurementval), temperature indicator
SRDsend and request data with replyTICtemperature indicating controller or total
SRSsafety requirements specificationinorganic carbon
SRVsafety relief valveTIFFtagged image file format
SSstainless steelTISABtotal ionic strength adjustment buffer
SSLsecure socket layersTLVthreshold limit value
SSUSaybolt seconds universalTMPthermomechanical pulp
std.standardTMRtriple modular redundancy
STstructural textTNtotal nitrogen
STELshort-term exposure limitTOCtotal organic carbon
STEPstandard for the exchange of product modelTODtotal oxygen demand
dataTOFtime of flight
STPshielded twisted pair, or standard tempera-TQMtotal quality management
ture and pressure, corresponding to 70°FTOPtechnical and office protocol
(21.1°C) and 14.7 psia (1 atm abs)TRtemperature recorder
STRspurious trip ratesT/Rtransmit/receive
SUsecurity unit or component in leg has failedTRCtemperature recording controller
safe and failure has not been detectedT.S.tensile strength
SUSSeybold universal secondsTTFMtransit time flow measurement
SVsecondary variable or safety valveTTPthrough the probe
S/WsoftwareTVtertiary variable
°TwTWATwaddell degrees of liquid density time weighed averageVLF V/Mvery low frequency voltmeter
VMEVirsa Module Europa (IEEE 1014–1987)
UVMSvibration monitoring system
uUARTprefix = 10-6, used incorrectly when theGreek letter m is not availableuniversal asynchronous receiver transmit-VOCVR VRMLvolatile organic compoundsvirtual realityvirtual reality modeling language
UBETunbiased estimation
UCMMunconnected message managerW
UDPuser/universal  data  protocol  (an  Internetw(1) width, (2) mass flow rate
protocol with low overhead but no guaran-W(1)  watt,  symbol  for  derived  SI  unit  of
tee that communication was successful)power, joules per second, J/s, (2) weight
UELupper explosive limit(also wt)
ufb(k)feedback controller outputw.water
UFDutility flow diagramWANwide area network
uff(k)feedforward controller outputWbweber, symbol for derived SI unit of mag-
UHFultra-high frequencynetic flux, volt-seconds, V·s
UHSDSultra-high-speed deluge systemWCOTwall coated open tubular (column)
u(k)controller outputWDXRFwavelength dispersion x-ray fluorescence
UMLuniversal modeling languageWGstandard (British) wire gauge
UPSuninterruptible power supplywhwhite (wiring code color for AC neutral
UPVunfired pressure vesselconductor)
URLupper range limitWIWobbe index
URVupper range valueWLANwireless local area network
USBuniversal serial busWPANwireless personal area network
UTPunshielded twisted pairWSworkstation
UTSultimate tensile stresswtweight, also W
UUPunshielded untwisted pair
UV-VIS-NIRultraviolet-visible-near infraredXreactance in ohms
XMLextensible markup language
Vx-rayelectromagnetic  radiation  with  a  wave-
vvelocitylength <100 Å
Vvolt, symbol for derived SI units of voltage,XRFx-ray fluorescence
electric potential difference and electromo-XYZtristimulus functions

Vac                      voltage, alternating current
V&V                   verification and validation VBA                    Visual Basic for Applications VDF                    vacuum fluorescent display VDT                    video display tube
VDU                    video display unit vert.                     vertical
VFD                    variable frequency drive
VFIR                   very fast infrared VHF                    very high frequency VIS                      visible
V-L                      vapor-liquid (ratio)

Y/; expansion factor y(k)  process output
yd:yard (= 0.914 m)
yr: year
Z :(1) atomic number (proton number), (2) electrical impedance (complex), expressed in ohms
ZEB :zero energy band


Basics 5253599841737618370

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