
2D3D | two-dimensional three-dimensionalA | amp AMPS AMS | ampere; also Aadvanced mobile phone systemasset management solutions or analyzer maintenance solutions |
a | acceleration | AO | analog output |
A | (1) area; (2) ampere, symbol for basic SI | AOTF | acousto-optical tunable filters |
unit of electric current; (3) admittance | AP | access point | |
Ã… AA | angstrom (= 10-10 m)atomic absorption | APCAPDU | automatic process controlapplication (layer) protocol data unit |
AAS | atomic absorption spectrometer | API | application programming interface or abso- |
abs | absolute (e.g., value) | lute performance index | |
AC | alternating current | °API | API degrees of liquid density |
ACFM | actual cubic feet per minute; volumetric | APM | application pulse modulation |
flow at actual conditions in cubic feet per | AR | autoregressive | |
ACL | minute (= 28.32 alpm)asynchronous connectionless | ARAARIMA | alarm response analysisautoregressive integrated moving average |
ACMH | actual cubic meters per hour | ARP | address resolution protocol |
ACMM | actual cubic meters per minute | ASCII | American Standard Code for Information |
ACS | analyzer control system | Interchange | |
ACSL | advanced continuous simulation language | AS-i | actuator sensor interface |
A/D | analog to digital, also analog-to-digital | ASIC | application-specific integrated circuit |
converter | ASK | amplitude shift keying | |
AD | actuation depth | asym | asymmetrical; not symmetrical |
ADC | analog-to-digital converter | ATG | automatic tank gauging |
ADIS | approved for draft international standard | atm | atmosphere (= 14.7 psi) |
circulation | ATP | adenosine triphosphate | |
A&E | alarm and event | ATR | attenuated total reflectance |
AES | atomic emission spectrometer | AUI | attachment unit interface |
AF, a-f | audio frequency | aux | auxiliary |
AFD | adjustable frequency drive | AWG | American wire gauge |
AGA3 | American Gas Association Report No. 3 | ||
ai | Adobe IllustratorÃ’ | B | |
AI | analog input | b | dead time |
a(k) | white noise | °Ba | balling degrees of liquid density |
ALARA | as low as reasonably achievable | bar | (1) barometer; (2) unit of atmospheric pres- |
ALARP | as low as reasonably practicable | sure measurement (= 100 kPa) | |
alpm | actual liters per minute | barg | bar gauge |
alt | altitude | bbl | barrels (= 0.1589 m3) |
AM | amplitude modulated or actual measure- | BCD | binary coded decimal |
ment | BCS | batch control system |
°Bé BFO BFW bhp | Baumé degrees of liquid density beat frequency oscillatorboiler feedwaterbrake horsepower (= 746 W) | CENP CECFA | combustion engineering nuclear power Conformité Européne (European Confor- mity), applicable to electrical safety Continuous flow analyzer |
°Bk | Barkometer degrees of liquid density | CFM, cfm, | cubic feet per minute (28.32 lpm) |
blk | black (wiring code color for AC “hot” con- | ft3/min | |
ductor) | CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
BMS | burner management system | CF/yr | cubic foot per year |
BOD | biochemical oxygen demand | Ci | curie (= 3.7 ´ 1010 Bq) |
bp, b.p. | boiling point | CI | cast iron |
BPCS | basic process control system | CIM | computer integrated manufacturing |
BPS, b/sec | bits per second | CIP | computer aided production or control and |
BPSK | binary phase shift keying | information protocol (an application layer | |
Bq | becquerel, symbol for derived SI unit of | protocol supported by DeviceNet, Control- | |
radioactivity, joules per kilogram, J/kg | Net, and Ethernet/IP) | ||
°Br | Brix degrees of liquid density | CJ | cold junction |
Btu | British thermal unit (= 1054 J) | CIP | clean in place |
BWG | Birmingham wire gauge | CL1 | electrically hazardous, Class 1, Division 1, |
B2B | business to business | Groups C or D | |
CLD | chemiluminescence detector | ||
C | CLP | closed-loop potential factor | |
c | (1) velocity of light in vacuum (3 ´ 108m/s); (2) centi, prefix meaning 0.01 | cmCM | centimeter (= 0.01 m)condition monitoring or communication |
C | coulombs, symbol for discharge coeffi- | (interface) module | |
cient, capacitance | CMF | Coriolis mass flowmeter | |
°Cca. | Celsius degrees of temperaturecirca (about, approximately) | CMMS | computerized maintenance managementsystem |
CAC | channel access code | CMPC | constrained multivariable predictive control |
CAD | computer aided design | cmph, m3/h | cubic meter per hour |
CalCAN | calorie (gram = 4.184 J); also g-calcontrol area network or control and auto- | CNICO | ControlNet Internationalcontroller output or carbon monoxide |
mation network | CO2 | carbon dioxide | |
CARI | combustion air requirement index | CO2D | carbon dioxide demand |
CATV | community antenna television (cable) | COD | chemical oxygen demand |
ccCCD | cubic centimeter (= 10-6 m3)charge-coupled device | COFCOM | coefficient of hazecomponent object model |
CCF | common cause failure or combination | COTS | commercial off-the-shelf |
capacity factor | cpm | cycles per minute; counts per minute | |
Ccm | cubic centimeter per minute | Co | cobalt |
CCR | central control room | cos | cosine (trigonometric function) |
Ccs | constant current source | cp, c.p. | (1) candle power, (2) circular pitch, (3) |
CCS | computer control system or constant cur- | center of pressure (cp and ctp sometimes | |
rent source | are used for centipoise) | ||
CCTV | closed circuit television | cps | (1) cycles per second (hertz, Hz); (2) |
CCW | counterclockwise | counts per second; (3) centipoise (= 0.001 | |
CD | dangerous coverage factor | Pa·S) | |
cd | candela, symbol for basic SI unit of lumi- | CPS | computerized procedure system |
nous intensity | CPU | central processing unit | |
CD | compact disk or collision detector | CPVC | chlorinated polyvinyl chloride |
CDDP | cellular digital data packet | CR | corrosion rate |
CDF | cumulative distribution function | CRC | cyclical redundancy check or cyclic redun- |
CDMA | code division multiple access | dancy code. (An error detection coding tech- | |
CDPD | cellular digital packet data | nique based on modulo-2 division. Some- | |
CDT | color detection tube | times misused to refer to a block check | |
CDTP | cold differential test pressure | sequence type of error detection coding.) | |
CEMS | continuous emissions monitoring system | CRDS | cavity ring-down spectroscopy |
CRLF CRT | carriage return-line feed cathode ray tube | DIdia | discrete (digital) input diameter; also, D and f |
Cs | cesium | DIAC | dedicated inquiry access code |
CS | carbon steel | DIR | diffused infrared |
CSL | car seal lock | DIS | draft international standard |
CSMA/CD | carrier sense, multiple access with collision | DIX | Digital-Intel-Xerox (DIX is the original |
detection | specification that created the de factoEther- | ||
CSO | car seal open | net standard. IEEE 802.3 came later, after | |
CSS | central supervisory station | Ethernet was established.) | |
cSt | centistoke | d(k) | unmeasured disturbance |
CSTR | continuous-stirred tank reactor | D(k) | measured disturbance |
CT | cooling tower or the product of C for dis- | DLE | data link escape |
infectant concentration and T for time of | DLL | dynamic link library | |
contact in minutes | DMA | dynamic mechanical analyzer | |
CTDMA | concurrent time domain multiple access | DMM | digital multimeter |
CTMP | chemi-thermo-mechanical pulp | DN | diameter normal, the internal diameter of |
CVAAS | cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy | a pipe in rounded millimeters | |
CVF | circular variable filters | DO | dissolved oxygen or discrete (digital) output |
cvs | comma-separated variables | DOAS | differential optical absorption spectros- |
CW | clockwise | copy | |
d/p cell | differential pressure transmitter (a Foxboro | ||
D | trademark) | ||
d | (1) derivative, (2) differential as in dx/dt, | DPD | N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine |
(3) deci, prefix meaning 0.1, (4) depth, (5) | DPDT | double-pole double-throw (switch) | |
day | dpi | dots per inch | |
D | diameter; also dia and f or derivative time of a controller | DQPSKDSL | differential quadrature phase shift keyingdigital subscriber line |
DA | data access | DSP | digital signal processing |
D/A | digital-to-analog | DSR | direct screen reference |
DAC | device access code | DSSS | direct sequence spread spectrum |
DACU | data acquisition and control unit | DT | dead time (second or minutes) |
DAE | differential algebraic equation | DTC | digital temperature compensation |
DAMPS | digital advanced mobile phone system | DTE | data terminal equipment |
dB | decibels | DTGS | deuterated tryglycine sulfate |
DBB | double-block and bleed | DTM | device type manager (An active-X compo- |
DBPSK | differential binary phase shift keying | nent for configuring an industrial network | |
DC | diagnostic coverage | component. A DTM “plugs into” an FDT.) | |
DC, dc | direct current | DU | dangerous component failure occurred in |
DCE | data communications equipment | leg, but undetected | |
DCOM | distributed COM | DVM | digital voltmeter |
DCS | distributed control system | ||
DD | data definition or dangerous component fail- | E | |
ure is detected in leg or a device description | e | (1) error, (2) base of natural (Naperian) | |
written using DDL | logarithm, (3) exponential function; also | ||
D/DBP | disinfectants/disinfection byproducts | exp (-x) as in e-x | |
DDC | direct digital control | E | (1) electric potential in volts, (2) scientific |
DDE | dynamic data exchange | notation as in 1.5E – 03 = 1.5 ´ 10-3 | |
DDL | device description language (an object- | E{.} | expected value operator |
oriented data-modeling language currently | EAI | enterprise application integration | |
supported by PROFIBUS, FF, and HART) | EAM | enterprise asset management | |
deg | degree; also ° (p/180 rad) | EBCDIC | extended binary code for information inter- |
DES | data encryption standard | change | |
DFIR | diffused infrared | EBR | electronic batch records |
DFR | digital fiber-optic refractometer | ECD | electron capture detector |
DFT | digital Fourier transform | ECKO | eddy-current killed oscillator |
DH | data highway | ECN | effective carbon number |
ECTFE | ethylene chloro-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (Halar) | FCS | frame check sequence |
EDS | electronic data sheet (DeviceNet) | FDE | fault disconnection electronics |
EDTA | ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid | FDL | fieldbus data link |
EDXRF | energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence | FDMA | frequency division multiple access |
E/E/PE | electrical/electronic/programmable electronic | FDS | flame-detection system |
E/E/PES | electrical/electronic/programmable electronic | FDT | field device tool (a Windows®-based |
system | Microsoft framework for engineering and | ||
EFD | engineering flow diagram | configuration tools) | |
e.g. | exempli gratia (for example) | FE | final elements |
EHC | electrohydraulic control | FEED | front end engineering and design |
EHM | equipment health management | FEGT | furnace exit gas temperature |
e(k) | feedback error | FEP | fluorinated ethylene propylene |
E.L. | elastic limit | FES | fixed end system |
Emf, EMF | (1) electromotive force (volts), (2) electro- | FF-HSE | Foundation Fieldbus, high-speed Ethernet |
motive potential (volts) | FFT | fast Fourier transform | |
EMI | electromagnetic interference | FH | frequency hopping |
EMI/RFI | electromagnetic interference/radio frequency | Fhp | fractional horsepower (e.g., 1/4-hp motor) |
interference | FHSS | frequency hopped spread spectrum | |
em(k) | process/model error | FI | flow indicator |
EN | European standard | FIA | flow injection analyzer |
EPA | enhanced performance architecture, Envi- | FIC | flow indicator controller |
ronmental Protection Agency | FID | flame ionization detector | |
EPC | engineering-procurement-construction | FIE | flame ionization element |
(firm or industry) | FIFO | first-in, first-out | |
EPCM | engineering, procurement, and construc- | Fig. | figure |
tion management (companies) | FISCO | fieldbus Intrinsic Safety COncept | |
EPDM | ethylene propylene diene terpolymer | fl. | fluid |
EPS | electronic pressure scanner, Encapsulated |
| fluid ounce (= 29.57 cc) |
PostScript file or emergency power supply | FM | frequency modulated | |
EQ, eq | equation | FMCW | frequency modulated carrier wave |
ERM | enterprise resource manufacturing | FMEA | failure mode and effects analysis |
ERP | enterprise resource planning, effective radi- | FMEDA | failure modes, effects and diagnostic analysis |
ated power | FMS | fieldbus message specification or fieldbus | |
ERW | electric-resistance welded | messaging services/system | |
ESD | emergency shutdown (system), electro- | FO | fiber optic or fail open |
static discharge | FOP | fiber-optic probe | |
ESN | electronic serial number | FOV | field of view |
ETFE | ethylene-tetrafluoroethylene copolymer | fp, f.p. | freezing point |
(Tefzel®) | FPC | fine particle content | |
ETS | equivalent time sampling | FPD | flame photometric detector |
Exp | exponential function as in exp (– at) = e-at; | FPM, fpm, | feet per minute (= 0.3048 m/m) |
also e | ft/min | ||
fps, ft/s | feet per second (= 0.3048 m/s) | ||
F | FRCFRM | flow recording controllerfrequency response method | |
F | frequency (also freq.) | FS, fs | full scale |
F | farad, symbol for derived SI unit of capac- | FSC | fail safe controller |
itance, ampere-second per volt, A·s/V | FSD | full scale deflection | |
°F | degrees Fahrenheit [t°C = (t°F – 32)/1.8] | FSK | frequency shift keying |
FAT | factory acceptance testing | FT | Fourier transform |
FBAP | function block application process (FF) | FTA | fault tree analysis |
FBD | function block diagram | FTIR | Fourier transform infrared |
FBG | fiber bragg grating | FTNIR | Fourier near infrared |
FC | flow controllers | FTP | file transfer protocol |
FCC | fluid catalytic cracking unit | FTS | fault-tolerant system |
FCOR | filtering and correlation (method) | FTU | formazin turbidity unit |
MVC MW | minimum variance controller megawatt (= 106 W) | OLE OLE_DB | object linking and embeddingobject linking and embedding data base |
MWC | municipal waste combustors | OMMS | optical micrometer for micromachine |
MWD | molecular weight distribution | ON | octane number |
OPC | object link embedding (OLE) for process | ||
N | control | ||
N | Newton, symbol for derived SI unit of | OP-FRIR | open path Fourier-transform infrared |
force, kilogram-meter per second squared, | OP-HC | open-path hydrocarbon | |
kg·m/s2 | OP-TDLAS | open-path tunable diode-laser absorption | |
n | (1) nano, prefix meaning 10-6, (2) refrac- | spectroscopy | |
tive index | OP-UV | open-path ultraviolet | |
N0N-16 | Avogadro’s number (= 6.023 ´ 1023 mol-1)nitrogen-16 | orORP | orange (typical wiring code color)oxidation-reduction potential |
NAAQS | national ambient air quality standards | OS | operator station or operating system |
NAP | network access port/point | OSFP | open shortest path first |
NAT | network address translation | OSI | open system interconnect (model) |
NB | nominal bore, internal diameter of a pipe | OSI/RM | open system interconnect/reference model |
in inches | OT | operator terminal or open tubular | |
NC, N/C | normally closed (switch contact) | OTDR | optical time domain |
NC | numeric controller | oz | ounce (= 0.0283 kg) |
NDIR | nondispersive infrared | ||
NDM | normal disconnect mode | P | |
NDT | nondestructive testing | P&ID | piping and instrumentation diagram |
NEC | National Electrical Code | p | (1) pressure; (2) pico, prefix meaning 10-12 |
NESC | National Electrical Safety Code | (3) variable for resistivity | |
NEXT | near-end crosstalk | Pa | pascal, symbol for derived SI unit of stress |
NIC | network interface card | and pressure, Newtons per square meter, | |
NIP | normal incident pyrheliometer | N/m2 | |
NIR | near infrared | PA | plant air |
nm | nanometer (10-9 m) | PAC | path average concentration |
NMR | nuclear magnetic resonance | PAL | phase alternating line |
NO, N/O | normally open (switch contact) | PAN | personal area network |
NPS | nominal pipe size, the internal diameter of | P&ID | piping (process) and instrumentation dia- |
a pipe in inches | gram (drawing) | ||
NRM | normal response mode | Pas, Pa·s | pascal-second, a viscosity unit |
NRZ | non-return to zero (refers to a digital sig- | PAS | process automation system (successor to |
naling technique) | DCS) | ||
NS | nominal pipe size, the internal diameter of | PB | proportional band of a controller in percent |
a pipe in inches | (100%/controller gain) | ||
NTC | negative temperature coefficient | PC | personal computer (usually Microsoft |
NTP | network time protocol or normal tempera- | Windows®-based) or pressure controller | |
ture and pressure corresponding to 1 atm | PCA | principal component analysis | |
absolute (14.7 psia) and 0°C (32°F) | PCCS | personal computer control system | |
NTSC | National Television Standards Code | PCDD | polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxine |
NTU | nephalometric turbidity unit | PCDF | polychlorinated dibenzo furans |
NUT | network update time | PCR | principal component regression |
PCS | process control system or personal commu- | ||
O | nication services | ||
OCD | orifice-capillary detector | pct | percent; also% |
OD | outside diameter or oxygen demand | PCTFE | polychlorotrifluoroethylene |
ODBC | open database connectivity or communica- | PCV | pressure control valve |
tion | PD | positive displacement or proportional and | |
OES | optical emission spectrometer | derivative | |
oft, OFT | optical fiber thermometry | PDA | personal digital assistant or photodiode |
ohm | unit of electrical resistance; also W (omega) | array | |
OJT | on-the-job training | PDD | pulsed discharge detector |
PDFPDS PDU PDVF PE PED PEEK PEL PES PFA | probability density function, probability of failure or portable document filephase difference sensor protocol data unit polyvinylidene fluoride polyethylenepressure equipment directive poly ether ether ketone permissible exposure level programmable electronic system per-fluoro-alkoxy copolymer | PRC PRD precip PRV PS PSAT PSDPSG PSIpsi, PSI, lb/in2 | pressure recording controller pressure relief device precipitate or precipitated pressure relief valvepower supply (module)pre-startup acceptance testpower spectral density or photosensitive devicephosphosilicate glass pre-startup inspectionpounds per square inch (= 6.894 kPa) |
PFC | procedure functional chart | PSIA, psia | absolute pressure in pounds per square inch |
PFD | process flow diagram | PSID, psid | differential pressure in pounds per square |
PdM | predictive maintenance | inch | |
pF | picofarad (= 10-12 F) | PSIG, psig | above atmospheric (gauge) pressure in |
PF, p.f. | power factor | pounds per square inch | |
PFA | perfluoralkoxy (a form of Teflon) | PSK | phase shift keying |
PFD | process flow diagram | PSM | process safety management |
PFD | probability of failure on demand | PSSR | re-startup safety review |
PFDavg | average probability of failure on demand | PSTN | public switched telephone network |
PFPD | pulsed flame photometric detector | PSU | post-startup |
PGNAA | prompt gamma neutron activation analysis | PSV | pressure safety valve |
PGC | process gas chromatograph | pt | point, part, or pint (= 0.4732 liter) |
pH | acidity or alkalinity index (logarithm of | PTB | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt |
hydrogen ion concentration) | PTC | positive temperature coefficient | |
PHA | process hazard analysis | PTFE | polytetrafluoroethylene (conventional Teflon) |
pi, pl | Poiseuille, a viscosity unit | PUVF | pulsed ultraviolet fluorescence |
PI | proportional and integral, or pressure indi- | PV | process variable (measurement) or the |
cator | HART primary variable | ||
P/I | pneumatic to current (conversion) | PVC | polyvinyl chloride |
PIC | pressure indicating controller or path inte- | PVDF | polyvinylidene fluoride |
grated concentration | PVLO | process variable low (reading or measure- | |
PID | proportional, integral, and derivative (con- | ment) | |
trol modes in a classic controller), or pho- | PVHI | process variable high (reading or measure- | |
toionization detector | ment) | ||
PI-MDC | path integrated minimum detectable con- | PWM | pulse width modulation |
centration | PWR | pressurized water reactor | |
PIMS | process information management system | PZT | lead-zirconate-titanate ceramic |
PIPPIR | process industry practicesprecision infrared radiometer | Q | |
PLC | programmable logic controller | q | (1) rate of flow, (2) electric charge in cou- |
R | (1) resistance, electrical, in ohms, (2) resis- tance, thermal, meter-Kelvin per watt, m·K/W, (3) gas constant (= 8.317 ´ 107 | RTOS RTR RTS | real-time operating system remote transmission request ready (or request) to send |
erg·mol-1,°C-1), (4) roentgen, symbol for | RTS/CTS | request to send/clear to send | |
accepted unit of exposure to X and gamma | RTU | remote terminal unit | |
radiation (= 2.58 ´ 10-4 C/kg) | RUDS | reflectance units of dirt shade | |
Ra | radium | RV | relief valve |
rad | (1) radius, also r, (2) radian, symbol for SI | RWS | remote workstation |
unit of plane angle measurement or symbol | |||
for accepted SI unit of absorbed radiation | S | ||
dose (= 0.01 Gy) | s | second (also sec), symbol for basic SI unit | |
RADAR | radio detection and ranging | of time; also Laplace variable | |
RAID | redundant array of inexpensive disks | S | siemens (siemens/cm), symbol for unit of |
RAM | random access memory | conductance, amperes per volt, A/V | |
R&D | research and development | s2y | sample variance of output y |
RASCI | responsible for, approves, supports, con- | SAP | service access point |
sults, informed | sat. | saturated | |
RCU | remote control unit | SAT | site acceptance test or supervisory audio tone |
RDP | remote desktop protocol | SAW | surface acoustic wave |
rem | roentgen equivalent man (measure of | SC | system codes |
absorbed radiation dose by living tissue) | SCADA | supervisory control and data acquisition | |
rev | revolution, cycle | SCCM | standard cubic centimeter per minute |
Re | Reynolds number | SCD | streaming current detector |
ReD | Reynolds number corresponding to a par- | SCFH | standard cubic feet per hour |
ticular pipe diameter | SCCM | standard cubic centimeter per minute | |
RF, rf | radio frequency | SCD | sulfur chemilumenesce detector |
RFC | request for comment (an Internet protocol | SCE | saturated calomel electrode |
specification) | SCFH | standard cubic feet per hour | |
RFF | remote fiber fluorimetry | SCFM | standard cubic feet per minute (air flow at |
RFIRFQ | radio frequency interferencerequest for quote | SCM | 1.0 atm and 70°F)station class mark |
RGA | residual gas analyzer | SCMM | standard cubic meters per minute |
RGB | red, green, blue | SCO | synchronous connection oriented |
RGM | reactive gaseous mercury | SCOT | support coated open tubular (column) |
RH | relative humidity | SCR | silicon-controlled rectifier |
RI | refractive index | SCS | sample control system |
RIP | routing information protocol | SD | component in leg has failed safe and failure |
r(k) | set point | has been detected | |
RMS, rms | root mean square (square root of the mean | SDIU | Scanivalve digital interface unit |
of the square) or rotary mirror sleeves | SDN | send data with no acknowledgement | |
ROI | return on investment | SDS | smart distributed system |
ROM | read-only memory | SEA | spokesman election algorithm |
RON | research octane number | sec | second, also s |
RPC | remote procedure call (RFC1831) | SER | sequence of event recorder |
RPM, rpm, | SFC | sequential function chart | |
r/min | revolutions per minute | SFD | system flow diagram or start of frame |
RVP | Reid vapor pressure | delimiter | |
rps, r/sec | revolutions per second | SFF | safe failure fraction |
RRF | risk reduction factor | SFI | sight flow indicator |
RRT | relative response time (the time required to | SFR | spurious failure rate |
remove most of the disturbance) | S.G. | specific gravity, also sp. gr. | |
RS | recommended standard | SHE | standard hydrogen electrode |
RSA | rural service areas | SHS | sample handling system |
RSS | root sum squared | SID | system identification digit (number) |
RTD | resistance temperature detector | SIF | safety instrumented function |
RTO | real-time optimization or operation | SIG | special interest group |
SILsin | safety integrity levelsine, trigonometric function | T | T(1) ton (metric = 1000 kg), (2) time, (3) |
SIS | safety instrumented system | thickness | |
SISO | single-input single output | T | (1) temperature, (2) tera, prefix meaning |
SG, SpGSIL | specific gravity; also sp. integrity level | 10-12, (3) period (= 1/Hz, in seconds), (4)tesla, symbol for derived SI unit of mag- | |
SIS | safety instrumented system | netic flux density, webers per square meter, | |
SKU | stock keeping units | Wb/m2 | |
SLAMS | state and local air monitoring stations | T1/2 | half life |
SLC | safety life cycle | tan | tangent, trigonometric function |
slph | standard liters per hour | TAS | thallium arsenic selenide |
slpmSMR | standard liters per minutespecialized mobile radio | tau, tTBM | process time constant (seconds)tertiary butyl mercaptan |
SMTP | simple mail transfer (management) proto- | t/c | thermal coefficient of linear expansion |
col | TC | thermocouple, temperature controller, or | |
S/N | signal-to-noise (ratio) | total carbon | |
SNG | synthetic natural gas | TCD | thermal conductivity detector |
SNMP | simple network management protocol | TCP | transmission control protocol |
SNR | signal-to-noise ratio | TCP/IP | transmission control protocol/internet pro- |
SOAP | simple object access protocol (an Internet | tocol | |
protocol that provides a reliable stream- | TCV | temperature control valve | |
oriented connection for data transfer) | td | process dead time (seconds) | |
SOESONAR | sequence of eventssound navigation and ranging | Td | derivative time (in seconds) of a PID con- troller |
SOP | standard operating procedure | TDLAS | tunable diode laser absorption spectros- |
SP | set point | copy | |
SPC | statistical process control | TDM | time division multiplexing |
SPDT | single-pole, double-pole throw (switch) | TDMA | time division multiple access |
SPL | sound pressure level or sound power level | TDR | time domain reflectometry |
SPRT | standard platinum resistance thermometer | T/E | thermoelectric |
SPST | single-pole, single-throw (switch) | TEM | transmission electron microscope |
sq | square, squared | TG | thermogravimetry |
SQC | statistical quality control | Ti | integral time (in seconds) of a PID control- |
SQL | structured (or standard) query language | ler | |
Sr | steradian, symbol for SI unit of solid angle | TI | time interval between proof tests (test inter- |
measurement | val), temperature indicator | ||
SRD | send and request data with reply | TIC | temperature indicating controller or total |
SRS | safety requirements specification | inorganic carbon | |
SRV | safety relief valve | TIFF | tagged image file format |
SS | stainless steel | TISAB | total ionic strength adjustment buffer |
SSL | secure socket layers | TLV | threshold limit value |
SSU | Saybolt seconds universal | TMP | thermomechanical pulp |
std. | standard | TMR | triple modular redundancy |
ST | structural text | TN | total nitrogen |
STEL | short-term exposure limit | TOC | total organic carbon |
STEP | standard for the exchange of product model | TOD | total oxygen demand |
data | TOF | time of flight | |
STP | shielded twisted pair, or standard tempera- | TQM | total quality management |
ture and pressure, corresponding to 70°F | TOP | technical and office protocol | |
(21.1°C) and 14.7 psia (1 atm abs) | TR | temperature recorder | |
STR | spurious trip rates | T/R | transmit/receive |
SU | security unit or component in leg has failed | TRC | temperature recording controller |
safe and failure has not been detected | T.S. | tensile strength | |
SUS | Seybold universal seconds | TTFM | transit time flow measurement |
SV | secondary variable or safety valve | TTP | through the probe |
S/W | software | TV | tertiary variable |