Basics of Fire Detection System
Fire Detection
In general, the fire detection system shall have the
following objectives:
To detect fire in very
early stage of it’s form.
To alert operator at
control room and give them the location.
To alert any personnel at
location of the fire event so that they are aware and could take any
Based on these, there are four main types of the fire
detection devices (fire detector):
Smoke detector.
Heat detector.
Flame detector (detect the
UV or IR radiated by fire).
Multi-detector (combination
of smoke and heat).
Each detector has a unique purpose and suitability for a
specific application. Thus the detector type should be selected based on the safety
(loss prevention) study. It will depend on the speed of response required,
consequences to facility, and the area of the fire events.
Smoke detectors
The most used smoke detectors are ionization type and
photoelectric type. The ionization type utilizes a constant current that
produced by electrode from an ionization of some isotope. Any particle that
goes through the chamber and interrupt the ionization will make a reduction of
constant current. Thus alarm will be activated. The photoelectric type utilizes
a scattered light from smoke particles to measure the smoke present. Any
particles that interrupt the light line (it will be scattered) will cause the
detector activated.
The smoke detector (both ionization and photoelectric type)
are very sensitive and shall not be used at dirty environments, smoky
atmosphere, and open areas where there is an unpredictable air flows. For
example, smoke detector shall not be used at kitchen, mechanical workshop, etc.
Another type of smoke detectors that most used at offshore
oil & gas industries are High Sensitive Smoke Detectors. This detector
usually placed on the very critical areas such as cable ducting, control room,
and electrical room. This detector take a sample of each sample location by an
air-sampling tubes and then draw the sample to a centralized detector which
analyze any small present of smoke. It will allow the system to give very fast
and earliest alert to an operator of fire event (event it still on the smoke
forming stage).
Flame Detectors
Flame detectors are categorized as fast response devices. It
senses the flame on a line of sight. A fire consists of three part, smoke,
heat, and flame. This detector is utilizing at application when flame is the
first part of fire that formed, such as a hydrocarbon leak area.
There are three major types of flame detectors:
Ultra-Violet (UV) Flame
Infrared (IR) Flame
Combination of UV and IR
Flame Detectors
Ultra-Violet (UV) Flame Detectors
UV type flame detectors are detectors that sense the UV light
emitted from a flame. It’s sensitive to a sun UV light, welding arcs, x-rays,
and lightning. Therefore the use of UV flame detector is limited on the closed
area where the disturbance from sun, lightning etc is absent such as a turbine
compressor closure, turbine generator closure etc.
UV flame detectors are also shouldn’t use to detect fire
that have heavy smoke (i.e. crude oil) or fires that doesn’t have visible flame
(i.e. alcohol etc).
Infrared (IR) Flame Detectors
Infrared flame detectors are detectors that sense the hot
light (infrared) emitted by a CO2 product of flame. Its very reliable than UV
flame detector because of more immune to UV light, welding arcs, etc. It can be
used in open areas or closed areas. The infrared flame detectors signal shall
be filtered from hot human body and set it to insensitive to hot body.
Combination of UV & IR Flame Detectors
UV/IR Flame Detectors use both UV and IR sensor to sense a
flame. It should be selectable to be UV only or IR only or both sensors active.
It should be detect any flame whether indoor or outdoor applications. If both
UV and IR sensor are active, it will only send alarm signal when both of it
sense a fire. It will reduce the false alarm that caused by using UV only or IR
Heat or Thermal Detectors
Heat detector is slower device compare to smoke detector and
flame detector. This detector utilize a heat sensitive element (usually are
thermistor) to sense the heat. It will activate only after the fire reaches
some significant stage to radiate its heat energy and sensed by the heat
sensitive of heat detectors. Even though this detector has slow response to
fire but it’s very suitable for application that prone to alarm false if we use
smoke or flame detectors such as kitchen area, workshop, laboratory room,
smoking area etc.
There are three types of heat detectors:
Fixed type.
Rate of rise type.
Fusible plugs.
Fixed heat detectors
A fixed heat detector is a detector that set at a fixed
temperature set point. Once the ambient temperatures (caused by a fire) reach
the set point, the detectors will send an alarm signal. As a standard, the
fixed heat detectors set point is 77 Celsius. Fixed heat detectors are very
suitable for application that has a swings temperature on it i.e. kitchen,
workshop, laboratory room etc.
Rate of rise heat detectors
Rate of rise heat detectors is a detector that senses the
rate of rise in the ambient temperature. It’s very sensitive heat detectors and
can cause a false alarm at a room having swing temperature. Normally it will
activate when the heat rate of rise is between 12 Fahrenheit or 15 Fahrenheit.
It’s suitable to use at smoking room, warehouse etc. It’s also suitable to use
at room that doesn’t have a high air flow that can cause a smoke detector slow
to response such as storage room or warehouse.
Fusible Plugs
Fusible plugs are a metal cylinder that has a sealed metal
with low melting point. It is connected to a pneumatic tubing loop. When the
ambient temperatures reach the melting point of the seal metal, then the seal
will broke and causing a pneumatic air leak through it. This leak will be
detected by a pressure switch and it will initiate an alarm that activates a
very large capacity valve to operate. This large capacity valves (called deluge
valve) will spout a fire water to extinguish fires. The fusible plug is
designed to protect a closed vessel from a fire. When a closed vessel exposed
to a fire, it can causing a dangerous rise in internal pressure of vessels and
causing a blow up. Therefore usually it put out around a closed vessel.